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Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Family During the BYU vs. Utah Football game. This was intense.

Relaxing during half time.
The usual stancce. The closer and lower we were to the TV the more help we felt we were giving.
We can live for another year with peace. YES!!! I love BYU FOOTBALL

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jackie's Mission Address!!

Here you guys no excuses for not writing Jackie! It was great seeing you guys on Monday! Love ya

Sister Jaqueline Warner
Hungary Budapest Mission
Provo MTC 2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

Thursday, September 27, 2007


So, my dad and I went to Nauvoo this past Saturday and I took some pictures. I love you all and miss you. But look forward to seeing you soon!

No trip would be right if I didn't get to climb on something! I guess the bench will have to do. I think I like this statue. Just a guess.
I layed on the ground to get this picture. In the grass and in a white skirt, Gasp!
A very cool temple!
This is a cool statue of Joseph and Hyrum. My dad is reading the story. I guess this is them riding to carthage for the last time. They are talking about the future of the Saints.
My dad didn't know that I took this till after the fact. :) Dad!! I'm not on the temple grounds right now. You can see the gate in the background that is an entrance.
This is one of the many entrances onto the temple grounds. They had some flowers, but mostly it was a large lawn of really green grass.
You can't see the river behind us because of the sun, but it is there. And, yes, I am wearing nylons. Ick!
Cool building, cool flowers. This is another church a couple blocks from the temple. I rememer they let us use their parking for the open house when we came up for that in 2002. It is a pretty building.
This is the Mississippi River. We had pulled over not to take a picture of the river, but to backtrack and get a picture of some roadkill!
This is the roadkill. It was a raccoon. All of it's four legs were sticking up and you can't really tell from this picture but it has its tongue sticking out. It was classic and you could tell by driving by it so I stopped and got a picture.


Monday, September 17, 2007

A fun weekend.

So, this weekend was a YSA conference. We invited other stakes. It was fun. We had two dances, where I talked to some nice looking young men. We had a service project. I helped a bunch of guys build a plastic tree house. It's kind of funny about the whole reading the directions thing. They wouldn't look at them until I got them out and started reading it to them, then they would take over because I was definitley not qualified to give construction instructions to a bunch of knowledgeable young men. Ego's. We also built a car port over the tree thing. It was fun. Then we had lunch and some free time. Which to me means frisbee. I brought my frisbee just for the occasion. So now my body is thouroughly tired. The ground was really hard and the grass was really dry. Add this all in to my way of playing frisbee(on the ground) and you can imagine the beautiful bruises that my knees and hips have aquired. We also played football afterwards(bruises on the arms)This was also fun and another reason why a nap would be a good thing right now. After free time we went to some workshops done by a couple of good speakers in my stake. They were good and I got to eat icecream. mmmmmmm. Then we ate and had another dance. It was four hours long. As you all probably can guess I danced hard core the entire time. Yay!! So now my feet hurt and my neck( I never realized how much my neck is involved in dancing. Anyways, I had fun, and have learned that my way of fun is painful and full of sore aftermaths. But I wouldn't do it any other way. I love you all a whole bunch. Keep on trucking.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One month, and counting!!

So, just as a reminder, I go into the MTC in one month. Technically one month minus a day. It's the same ole story for me. I have just been working. I now have an almost complete missionary wardrobe. I didn't know that it was legal to own that many skirts. I have started memorizing scriptures, although I don't know how useful that will be seeing as how I will have to know them in another language. It is very strange not having school this time of year. I was thinking about it and it will be the first time since before kindergarten that I haven't had school in September. There is not much else to say other than that. I love you all and miss you. Oh and we will definitely have to plan some sort of get together for when I get to Utah. I will be there for conference so those days before I go into the MTC aren't too busy. (wink, wink) Let me know what you all think. Oh, and Tiffany that was an interesting poem. I was expecting it to ryhme but was pleasantly surprised at how good it was to read. You guys are great!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

I Love You All!!!

I love you all. I have had so much fun with you. I miss our old times, but I am enjoying the new adventures I am having with my teaching and new ward. My new ward is slowly growing on me. The people are great, but if it wasn't for sports I wouldn't know anyone. I don't think I am the only one that can say that because I think even those who are not sports fans have got involved in the ward because of volleyball, frisbee, or basketball. I am a firm believer in sports.

This past two weeks has been amazing. I have truly been blessed. I have felt the love of our heavenly Father more than I ever have before. He really is doing everything he can to help us return to him. The plan of salvation was created for our sake so we could become like him. I wrote a poem that I do not mind sharing. It may not make a lot of sense, but I do not care. I use to always write poetry but it has been about 5 years since I last wrote. I thought I might get back in the habit. This one is a little rusty. I love you all.

God created everything spiritually before temporally
Every green pasture to every lily of the earth
He took time to create all of this through his love and his name
For every daughter to every son who comes to gain

Adam and Eve were sent to be the first to live on God’s earth
Living in God’s presence, but without the progression
They were given agency to eat of the forbidden fruit
Spiritual and physical death, but much potential

Eve was deceived but yet quite wise as she partook
Blindly understanding the consequence and pleasure
Adam stood beside her with their eyes both opened to the world
Behind a bush they hid in discomfort and in shame

The Lord said, “I will multiply thy sorrow and conception.”
And Eve bare unto Adam sons and daughters of God
Adam was commanded to eat bread by the sweat of his face
Adam had dominion over all beasts of the fields

God gave them commandments: worship and offer sacrifices
In the name of the son, Adam and Eve did obey
In this day Adam and Eve Blessed God and their eyes were opened
Their transgression brought their seed and joy of eternal life

I am their seed, a daughter of God, subject to sin and death
They gave me the opportunity to learn and grow
I to can repent and be forgiven of my sins through Christ
They prepared away for me to gain Salvation

God created everything spiritually before temporally
Every green pasture to every lily of the earth
He took time to create all of this through his love and his name
For every daughter to every son who comes to gain